Ez Dyer Tests Our NEW Anti-Redness Foundation Primer

Makeup Artist and Skincare Therapist Ez Dyer shares her feedback on using our new Anti-Redness Foundation Primer for covering her Rosacea, along with her top tips for getting the best results from our primer.

Before And After - Daniel Sandler Anti Redness Foundation Primer

Does it cancel out the redness? Yes it does. I applied two layers because the consistency is quite fluid. Once applied, which worked best by patting into my skin, the product felt really good. There was no feeling of irritation or itchiness, it felt calm and non-existent really.

Consistency: I like that the product is fluid and can be easily applied and manipulated so that it doesn’t dry. I could work with the product because I knew it would be best to use the stippling approach when applying my foundation...if I had used the buffing approach with some aggressive movements (which I have seen many women do) then I think the movement of the product may have shown a negative response.

Skin tone: I felt it worked well with my skin tone, it always looks scary at first because my pigmentation looks more prominent, but I found that the colour did not make my face look chalky in any way.

Foundation application: The foundation I used worked well and applied easily over the product. I used my Kevyn Aucoin foundation because I thought it would be a better test than using a Daniel Sandler product.

Texture: I loved the fact that the texture of the product did not break up my foundation or leave my skin looking patchy. With Rosacea, sometimes when I apply products to cancel out the redness this can happen, which ultimately makes the Rosacea look worse. This is the main reason why I don’t use cancelling out products, however yours didn’t do this :)

Smell: It's pleasant, and does not smell chemical or too fragrant in any way...which suits me fine.

Does it last throughout the day? Sometimes in warm environments the redness will show, but that’s just natural for me because I don’t tend to wear heavy foundation. 

Summary: I really like the product, I think with the right instructions (which is always the case with your product videos) consumers will enjoy using a product that is lightweight, easily applied and doesn’t disturb other products.


Daniel Sandler Anti-Redness Foundation Primer


Daniel Sandler Anti-Redness Foundation Primer


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